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This amazing post is about Game Development. Not much hard but pretty simple.
The post is so little bit long, so take your snacks through the journey!
We will be covering these most important topics today ;
1. Learn About Basics of Programming Languages.
2. Make Small and Simple Games.
3. What Does a Game Programmer Do?
4. How to Write a Computer Game Program?
5. Comparison of Different Programming Languages for Games.
6. Game Programmer Salary. (Your loved Topic!)
7. Video Game Tester Salary.
#1 : Learn About Basics Of Game Programming Languages !!
Games are highly in demand among majority of people in the current days. There are different programming languages available to develop games and anyone that likes to create or develop games of their own must first learn basics of it.
Many game programmers are emerging nowadays that use various languages and start continuing with language with which they are comfortable.
A lot of game programming languages like python, C, C++, Java, Tcl or Tk are also widely used to develop variety of games. Gaming programs are quite difficult to learn and wanna be game programmers must start with easy languages like python.
It is a fundamental language and is much appropriate for beginners as they can learn in details of essential concepts of programming required to build video games.
If the basics of programming are understood then programmers are ready to learn on the further steps to make in building games. First and foremost step is to decide on the preferred programming language which is used to create games. It is better to start developing games mastering in any one type of game programming languages.
If the basics are learned thoroughly programmers must decide on the language they are willing to learn or about the language on which they prefer to build games.
Recent games are highly relied on graphics and a successful game needs complicated requirements. Games require high speed to perform and it is important to choose specific languages depending on various specifications of games.
Programmers that like to carry on high performance can choose C or C++ as they are regarded as the chief languages for speed. It also assures a great stability between power and speed usually required for games.
The remarkable feature of C++ is it provides a number of tools for the benefits of programmers and these tools include classes and standard library for using the language. Most of the contemporary games are developed using this language which makes it simple to integrate the gaming code into it.
#2 : Make Small and Simple Games ;
Individuals that like to build easy games can make use of simple languages. Small and simple games like 2D games do not require more than a Simple Direct Media Layer in addition to user friendly library for various purposes like sound, graphics and similar other gaming functions.
But in case of developing 3D games more sophisticated library and game functions are required. Large amount of research, learning, creative ideas and implementing all the collected data is much important in game industry than any other fields. So it is advisable for aspiring programmers to learn in depth on the topic and make successful games.
#3 : What Does a Game Programmer Do???
People always have confusion about what does a game programmer do.
First thing they must keep in mind is that games are one of the famous past time for people all over the world for many years, even for many centuries. It is not a simple thing to develop the games.
It is the job of the game developer to develop codes for the games, assemble them as a single package and test the application and finally goes the installation in the android based phones.
Previously developers are simply just developing some set of codes alone and they are not doing anything apart from that. It is possible for installing the codes in any kind of system. But the android applications are quite different. It is not possible to install them as a single package in a phone.
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There are several issues that need to be checked. The first thing is the performance in different platforms. Usually there are different kinds of phones installed with different types of versions of android firmware. It is very difficult to separate them and then developing games for each and every one of the them.
There are a number of tools available which can result in developing the codes that are working fine and can work in cross platforms without any fault in them. It is also possible to do a lot of other stuff with the help of android phones if a person knows well about the game programming languages.
It is very easy and fun to learn about such programming language. It is also now a day possible to become experts in game programming languages easily. Much kind of materials are available over the internet which can help people in making things finer and easier to understand. It is also now a day possible to develop codes under advice of experts.
#4: How To Write A Computer Game Program??
Computer Game Programs :
The first step in creating a game or writing any program is learning a good game programming language.
C++ is one of the most common gaming programming knowledge used by professional programmers. Before starting to write computer gaming programs, it is essential to have a design.
Game designing is a study by itself and requires lots and lots of practice to design a good game and to see it through. For a beginner in the gaming world writing a game engine will be a difficult task. There are many other open source game engines available on the internet. It is wise to use one of these free engines to start with.
Game programmers require good knowledge on one of the programming languages. There are lots of debates going around the programmer world on what is the best language for game programming.
Many people support C++ and there are others who find the disadvantages of the language overwhelming. Python is also gathering support and there is free software available to create games based on Python.
The game programmers must also have some knowledge on scripting languages. Scripting languages help in adding many features to the game. High level scripting languages along with the inevitable JavaScript can be used as extensions embedded into the program code to add on features to the game.
The programmers must also be knowledgeable on the API’s and Libraries that are available. This is a chief consideration as choosing a good API and library can help in avoiding many tasks for which programs are already present in libraries.
People who are not developing games commercially do not get to use special gaming consoles as these are expensive. They develop games chiefly on their operating system platform.
Even if the game developer uses some software knowing a programming language is useful.
#5: Comparison Of Different Programming Languages for Games:
Video games are usually developed by experienced software programmers. But nowadays a lot of students interested in the gaming programming try their hands at developing video games.
The first step in developing a game is getting an initial design ready and approved if necessary. The next step involves choosing a language to develop the game in. There are a variety of game programming languages which support gaming development and each of these languages have some pros and cons. Most common languages used are discussed below.
C – It is not often used by programmers nowadays. It does have the advantage of easy learning and multiple resources but with no Object oriented concept it is difficult to develop a game which can be platform independent.
C++ - Of all the programming languages for games, this is the most common language used for game programming. C++ was developed with object oriented concepts and it is well suited for game development.
There are a large number of resources and tools freely available to help to use C++ for programming. Game programmers can use a number of scripting languages along with C++ by using them as extensions embedded into the program code. Memory leaks are the chief problem when using C++.
C# - This language is even more OO conceptual than C++. It is easy to learn and to use. It handles the garbage collection problem. The main disadvantage is that it requires a high memory usage. Using this along with XNA is recommended. Java – The main advantage of Java is its portability.
A program developed on Java can run on many platforms. Developing a game with Java has some disadvantages. The memory usage is pretty high and it is mainly used for games that run on Android. As C++ can also be used to develop games on Android, learning C++ or C# for game development is better than learning Java
Game Programmer Salary Is Far More Better Than Software People Salary! Right , Its True!
#6 : Game Programmer Salary ;
People initially believed that it is only more profitable to get more money through the information technology field. It is now made false by the android marketing.
It took nearly some 20 years for the information technology to reach the people. But it is the magic in the android that it has reached people within a very short time.
It is also now possible to do even a more with the help of game programming languages. It will be a shock for many people to hear about the game programmer salary.
It is far higher than the professionals who are working in the information technology. It is also now a day possible to get a huge hike in the field of android development, which is achieved by professionals in the information technology after a struggle for many years.
It is a best scope for the people who are entering the field as a fresher. Android development is a perfect platform for the fresher students to develop with and also to get a reasonable salary at the starting of their career. It is not possible to achieve such salary now a day in the information technology for the fresher students.
In this manner, it is a best thing to rely on the android development field as it will be always in a high position as compare to the information technology, which is always fluctuating with the market situations.
There are a number of multinational companies came up in this field. They are destined to make many new applications for the android based phones.
It is also possible to start a new company for developing android applications after learning completely about the game programming languages. It is also possible to earn and also at the same time develop with a sound knowledge in the any gaming languages.
An Average Video Game Tester Salary Is Far Better Than Salary Of Developers. A Video Game Tester, as the name suggests, is a person who test the game before marketing it. You can also make huge money by testing video games, if you don't want to fall in the sea of programming.
#7: Video Game Tester Salary ;
When people hear about the word game, the thing that comes in mind is the super Mario game. It is so because it is a game that came up first in the so called video games.
There is a sharp difference among the so called video games and the other games that came up with just a controller. A video game will have a moving character or some imaginary character against the thing like just some blocks or some other moving dots or some other things.
It is the superior codes in the video games that make them more popular among people. It is also a fact that now a day grown up people and adults are also interested in the video games. It is so because there are a lot of innovations that came up in this field in the past 10 years. Since their introduction among the public, video games are always popular. Now a day, video game tester salary is far higher than the manager of the other software companies.
When people hear about the word game, the thing that comes in mind is the super Mario game. It is so because it is a game that came up first in the so called video games. There is a sharp difference among the so called video games and the other games that came up with just a controller.
A video game will have a moving character or some imaginary character against the thing like just some blocks or some other moving dots or some other things. It is the superior codes in the video games that make them more popular among people.
It is also a fact that now a day grown up people and adults are also interested in the video games. It is so because there are a lot of innovations that came up in this field in the past 10 years.
Since their introduction among the public, video games are always popular. Now a day, video game tester salary is far higher than the manager of the other software companies
Now, you have read very much so thats for today! Follow me to get latest updates on programming, computers, tech and information and more.
Stay Tuned!
D-Coding Tech
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